The Hermitage

Santa Sabina Center is a retreat facility just across the Golden Gate Bridge from San Francisco. Inspired by a visit to another retreat on the East Coast, Sister Susannah, director of Santa Sabina, became determined to create a straw-bale hermitage at Santa Sabina. The building was designed by DS&A, and was largely built during a week-long workshop organized and led by John Swearingen and Janet Johnston of Skillful Means.

The workshop was attended, throughout the week, by about forty people during the day, and in the evenings the number swelled as residents of the Bay Area came to hear guest speakers and to marvel at the progress of construction. A special spirit of goodwill infused the workshop, and many who worked on the building were inspired and gratified by the experience. Several volunteers returned in following weeks to complete the building.

The hermitage has become a favorite of visitors to the center. During the day, it is available to individual members of groups for quiet contemplation, and is sometimes available for longer retreats.

The visitor's journal speaks of the quiet and peace that many have found here, within the straw-bale walls of The Hermitage.

For a message from the hermit, click here