Moisture Barriers in Straw-bale Construction


  Moisture Mechanics

  Moisture Barriers

 Structural Qualities


 Data and Information

More On Moisture

Bale construction differs qualitatively from wood-frame construction in how moisture collects and travels within the wall, and should therefore be treated differently. The use of sheet moisture barriers, although common practice in wood construction, runs counter to successful historical building practice and generally accepted current practice, is unsupported by either empirical or test data, and is not required by straw-bale building codes.

The Uniform Building Code requires the use of sheet moisture barriers underneath stucco to protect wood-frame structures from external moisture. Wood-frame structures tend to concentrate moisture entering a wall into localized areas. Plywood significantly blocks the movement of air and vapor through a wall, and the stud wall matrix of dense structure (wood) alternated with sparse material (air or fiberglass), promotes to moisture concentration at certain locations. Moisture concentrations can lead quickly to the growth of dry rot.

Empirical and test data for bale walls, on the other hand, strongly indicate that adequate moisture protection exists without the use of sheet membranes. Consequently the use of sheet moisture barriers is not required in the
"Guidelines for Straw-Bale Construction" (California Health & Safety Code Section 18944.303(l) and is expressly prohibited in some codes.

Moisture Mechanics
The mechanics of moisture within buildings is complex and dependent upon several variables such as seasonal climate, building usage, heating and cooling systems and wall construction. Moisture trapped within the building envelope (walls, floor or roofs) can cause rot in either wood or straw. The composition of wood and straw are quite similar, both consisting largely of cellulose plus inorganic materials.
At about 18% moisture content fungi which which are present in wood and straw as spores, become active in breaking down cellulose, creating what we know as dry rot. Below 18% r.h. the active fungi die off, but leave behind millions of spores. Good building design does not allow enough moisture to accumulate in the building envelope to reach a level where fungi will grow and multiply.

Moisture can enter and exist in walls in two forms: liquid water, such as might come from a leaky window; and water vapor, which is water suspended in air. The mechanics of each form is different: liquid water is moved by primarily by gravity and sometimes by wind pressure; water vapor is moves with the air in response to air currents within a building or its shell. These air currents are often driven by pressure differentials created by temperature differences between the interior and the outside, or pressures created mechanically by heating and cooling equipment.

Water vapor, except in extremely humid environments, is generally not a threat to wood or straw unless it condenses and becomes liquid water. Warm air is capable of holding more water vapor than cold air. When warm, moist air encounters cold air or cold surfaces, the warm air cools and the water vapor it carried condenses, creating rain or dew. The point within a wall at which condensation can occur, called the dew point, varies with the difference in temperature between the inside and the outside and with the moisture content of the air. This point is not always inside the wall, but in hot or cold climates the dew point, and the potential for rain inside the walls, commonly falls inside the wall. Vapor entering the wall will condense at the dew point and change to liquid. This liquid may accumulate and create the conditions for dry rot to occur.

The water entering a wall, then, can change from vapor to liquid; and liquid inside a wall can also evaporate, that is, change from liquid to vapor. We have used the term "moisture" to include both liquid and airborne water when referring to conditions which could include both.


Principles of Moisture in Bale and Wood-frame
Although their organic composition is similar, bale and wood walls differ significantly in structure, creating major differences in how moisture enters, leaves and travels within the building shell.

Bale walls are made up of millions of individual straws which tend to absorb and disperse relatively large quantities of moisture uniformly. Imagine, for instance, turning a hose on a straw bale. Considerable water will be absorbed before runoff will occur, and after a short while the water absorbed will be fairly evenly distributed throughout the volume of the bale. Now imagine turning a hose on a stack of studs and plywood--the water would begin to run off almost at once, and any water which would remain would collect in cracks and crevices.

This tendency of bales to absorb and disperse moisture, works to protect the interior of the wall from high concentrations which would support fungal growth. Moisture entering a bale wall can be `stored' over the very great surface area of the straw itself; and then be transpired back through the stucco when conditions permit.

Whereas plywood and other wood elements block moisture migration, straw bales transpire moisture relatively efficiently. The uniform permeability and density of a bale wall makes it able to transfer and transpire moisture more equally over its entire volume and surface. Imagine, for instance, building a plywood box the size of a bale, and dumping in a gallon of water before sealing the top. Next to it, place a straw bale and pour a quart of water into the bale. After a month, what will be the condition of each?

Problems with (and studies of) non-breathable stucco finishes have shown that the ability of a wall to transpire moisture is vitally important in protecting the wall from dry rot. The health and longevity of older bale structures, built without moisture barriers and often with poor exterior finishes, may be attributable to the ability of bales to naturally breathe off moisture and maintain safe humidity levels.

Moisture within a stud wall is commonly led along a few passageways within the wall: air channels, eddies and backwaters within cavities direct vapor laden air; and solid wood elements working with gravity concentrate the movement of water into certain limited areas within the wall. This channeling leads to collections of water and localized areas of high humidity and potential rot, making it extremely important to minimize the amount of moisture entering a wood wall.

Water does not travel so easily within a bale wall. Although breathable, bales are dense and difficult to penetrate--like standing under a dense tree canopy in the rain, water doesn't penetrate easily. Because stucco wicks liquid readily, the combination of the plaster coating and the density of the bales forms a breathable membrane which accumulates and transpires moisture in response to exterior humidity and climactic conditions.


Use of Sheet Moisture Barriers
The almost universal practice among straw-bale builders, whether in California, Arizona, Washington or Nova Scotia, is to avoid the use of sheet moisture barriers or impermeable stuccoes over the bales. Experience with straw-bale structures, in a variety of climates, indicates that these barriers are not necessary and may even be detrimental.

The introduction of a sheet moisture barrier, even a `breathable' product, inhibits the natural transpiration of the bales and may even create a surface which would concentrate moisture within the wall. Although products such as Tyvek transmit vapor, they block liquid moisture. Consequently vapor traveling from the building interior condensed inside the bale wall would be unable to leave the wall except as vapor and could collect at the membrane and cause rot.
The straw/stucco membrane, which allows both vapor migration and transpiration of liquid, can allow such moisture to wick out to the exterior more readily.

Centuries of experience has shown that water will get inside building walls, either as condensed vapor or as water entering from the exterior. Because a bale wall can accommodate accumulations of moisture which a wood-frame wall cannot, common practice has been to maintain a breathable wall as the best safeguard in preventing harmful moisture accumulation in bale walls.


Structural Advantages of a Direct Plaster/Bale Bond
The natural mechanical bond between plaster and bare straw bales is impressive in its strength and tenacity. Because the stucco finish on a building can contribute significantly to the strength of the building, incorporation of the stucco into the entire wall system can improve the structural performance of the building. The decision to use a sheet membrane over bales effects not only the permeability of the bale wall, but the strength and integrity of the plaster coating as well.

Individual straws protrude from the bales into the plaster and form a natural reinforcement for the plaster; and the uneven surface plane of the bales creates a multitude of large and small mechanical keys into the bales. The strong bond between bales and plaster makes lathing unnecessary for adhesion of plaster, although lathing may be used as reinforcement for the plaster. If used, lathing may be attached as needed to prevent `bellying', but need not have extensive ties through the bales for adherence to the wall.

When plaster is applied directly to bales, a network of thickened plaster is created at the bale joints, creating a `waffle truss' which significantly strengthens the stucco layer. In addition, a light stress-skin panel is created by the bales when cement stucco is used both inside and out. And because the straw behind the plaster has some flexibility, movement of the bales over time can be accommodated without transferring stresses to the plaster layer as stress cracks. These structural advantages are lost, of course, when a sheet barrier is applied over the bales.


Good bale building design would concentrate on preventing gross leakages of water into the wall and on providing a means for accumulated moisture to exit the wall easily. This often involves the use of breathable exterior finishes, as well as exterior design details which promote, or at least don't block, air-flow around the building. Care should be taken in flashing horizontal bale surfaces, such as at window sills, and any wood at the outside of a bale wall should be wrapped in paper as with wood-frame construction. A splash guard consisting of a one- or two-course membrane at the base of a wall is commonly used to protect against rain-splash.

Good design would also optimize the structural advantages of bale assemblies. Even in post-and-beam structures, good design would use the bale walls as an important redundant assembly in the event of failure in the primary structure.

Data and Information
There are no historical precedents of bales being used with moisture barriers, and consequently there is no data on how the two perform together. Most historical data for unwrapped bale walls demonstrates the importance of maximum breathability of bale walls:

Buildings constructed early in this century which survive today in and around Arthur, Nebraska, show no evidence of rot or deteroiation within the walls. These buildings typically were constructed with 1-2' roof overhangs and were originally plastered with earthen materials and later replastered with cement-based plaster. (See "Historic Straw bale Structures, unpublished paper by David Eisenberg).

A mansion in Huntsville, Alabama has successfully endured Southern humidity since 1938; a 1978 building near Rockport, Washington receives up to 75 inches of rain a year; and an unplastered building near Tonasket, Washington, with no foundation and unplastered walls shows no apparent deterioration of the bales since 1984. Of the hundreds of bale buildings standing in the Southwest, none have used a paper moisture barrier. Recent bale structures in northern New York (humid winters) and Nova Scotia (cold humid winters) have been monitored and demonstrate good performance in these difficult climates.

Prepared by John Swearingen


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