Skillful Means

Projects Sector
Strawbale Section
Strawbale Resources
Contact Us!
Site Index

We offer many services.....

We're available for talks, workshops, on-site guidance and professional consulting.

For design work, we encourage you to contact us early for input about your site, your ideas and your initial plans.

We're available as consultants to clients and other building and design professionals.

We look forward to hearing how we can help you with your project!

Under Construction

resources/pot luck

Pot Luck

Our friends and neighbors in Junction City, Chagdud Gonpa

Neat stuff you can buy (or just look at)! Tibetan Treasures

Buddhist resources on the web at Quiet Mountain

Skillful Meanie John Swearingen has photographed several Tibetan Buddhist lamas.

Plans for the strawbale lighthouse at Dhu Heartach, Scotland! (For Sale!)